
Java User Group Thorn Meetup #76

Java User Group Thorn Meetup #76

That one about RabbitMQ and E2EE Platform

A few days ago, I attended the 76th Toruń JUG meeting!
It was definitely worth listening to! 💡

One of the talks that particularly caught my attention was "Asynchronous Communication Patterns with RabbitMQ" by Mariusz Mączkowski. It was a deep dive into message queuing systems, with a strong focus on design patterns and low-level implementation details. The presentation was packed with code examples, making it highly practical and insightful.

PS New location – looking forward to the next meetings at the Faculty of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.


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    Original title: Od szyfrowanego maila do platformy E2EE

    Speaker: Błażej Zyglarski x Dawid Jenczewski x Simplito

  • Asynchronous Communication Patterns with RabbitMQ

    Original title: Wzorce komunikacji asynchronicznej z wykorzystaniem RabbitMQ

    Speaker: Mariusz Mączkowski