

Design Principles Require Context, Not Rigid Application

From Theory to Practice

After a recent mini-course on ports and adapters architecture, I returned to the BetterSoftwareDesign podcast to revisit ideas and find fresh inspiration. Listening again feels like revisiting a favorite book—there’s always something new to uncover from the experiences shared by the guests and host. I highly recommend Episode 64, where Kuba Nabrdalik offers valuable and balanced insights into hexagonal architecture, ports, and adapters. For those interested in crafting testable software, Episodes 17 and 48 with Piotr Stawirej are also excellent, providing a thoughtful blend of foundational ideas and practical heuristics for solid software craftsmanship.

PS Thumbnail source https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/images/2012-08-13-the-clean-architecture/CleanArchitecture.jpg
By classic Uncle Bob book Clean Architecture