
Overview of my projects


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Software Engineering


UML Sequance Diagram

Lab: GitHub-like Actions, but with Gitea

Testing modern task runners

“Basic setup including server, runner, and pipeline to deploy a website on an Nginx server (...)”
- Arek
“Basic setup including server, runner, and pipeline to deploy a website on an Nginx server (...)”
- Arek

#Gitea #CI/CD #Docker #GitLab #GitHub

UML Sequance Diagram

Modern CI/CD Pipeline

Case Study of Integrating Multiple Tools

“A comprehensive project aimed at building a CI/CD pipeline with modern tool integration. (...)”
- Arek
“A comprehensive project aimed at building a CI/CD pipeline with modern tool integration. (...)”
- Arek

#TeamCity #Docker #Gitea&Githooks #Liquibase #SpringBoot

Dr.Echo Dashboard

Dr.Echo EHR

Cardiology EHR Desktop Application

“A modern EHR application designed for cardiologists, built with a modern architecture and technologies. (...)”
- Arek
“A modern EHR application designed for cardiologists, built with a modern architecture and technologies. (...)”
- Arek

• Healthcare IT • Software Development

#Java 21 #JavaFX #MVVM #UI/UX

Data Engineering & Analysis


Main dashboard

Analyzing 21M Hospital Records

ETL and visualization project for NFZ data.

“Project analyzing 21,194,349 hospitalization records from Poland's NFZ. Involves ETL, data warehousing, and visualization using SQL, Shell Scripts, SQLLoader, and Apache Superset. (...)”
- Arek
“Project analyzing 21,194,349 hospitalization records from Poland's NFZ. Involves ETL, data warehousing, and visualization using SQL, Shell Scripts, SQLLoad (...)”
- Arek

• Healthcare IT • Data Engineering

#SQL #Shell Scripting #Apache Superset #SQLLoader #ETL #BI #Healthcare IT


Healthcare DWH & ETL

My Engineer's Thesis DWH & ETL

“Design and implementation of a data warehouse on the example of a healthcare institution. Original, polish title: 'Projekt i implementacja hurtownia danych na przykładzie instytucji służby zdrowia.' (...)”
- Arek
“Design and implementation of a data warehouse on the example of a healthcare institution. Original, polish title: 'Projekt i implementacja hurtownia danych (...)”
- Arek

• Data Engineering • Healthcare IT

#PL/SQL #Data Modeler #DWH #ETL #Analytic SQL #Oracle DB #APEX #SQL Developer



HomeAssistant screenshot

Lab: Dynamic CV Generation with JasperReport

Professional, flexible, no-limits solution

“Canva is a good-enough solution for non-technical users or for quickly creating a single, visually appealing CV. However, it wasn't sufficient for my needs. Changing business requirements forced me to seek a more dynamic, efficient solution. I have extensive commercial experience with JasperReport, having used it to update my resume for multiple job offers. Non-programmable solutions often frustrated me, so I decided to improve my workflow. One of the challenges was working with JSON data, as I had mostly relied on RDBMS and SQL in the past. Another was achieving an aesthetically pleasing output, as JasperReport doesn't provide ready-made templates. I prototyped several versions with minimal effort and am happy with the results so far. The generated document is dynamic and can adapt its sections to varying lengths based on the provided data. (...)”
- Arek
“Canva is a good-enough solution for non-technical users or for quickly creating a single, visually appealing CV. However, it wasn't sufficient for my needs (...)”
- Arek

#JasperReports #json #yaml

HomeAssistant screenshot

Lab: Pub/Sub Communication in IoT: MQTT and Zigbee

About deploying SmartHome with HomeAssistant

“Basic setup including HA integration with broker and devices (...)”
- Arek
“Basic setup including HA integration with broker and devices (...)”
- Arek

#Design #IoT #Docker #HomeAssistant #MQTT #Zigbee

List of issues

Public Information Portal

Cycling Route Problem Portal

“This web page highlights and categorizes issues with local bicycle infrastructure, providing an overview of Dedicated Bicycle Routes (DDR), identifying problem areas, and featuring a map with updates and a news feed. (...)”
- Arek
“This web page highlights and categorizes issues with local bicycle infrastructure, providing an overview of Dedicated Bicycle Routes (DDR), identifying pro (...)”
- Arek

• Web Development • GIS Mapping

#HTML #CSS #JS #PicoCss #LeafletJS #11ty #Nunjucks #Linux CentOS #NPM #Visual Studio Code #Git #VPS #Subdomains #Apache HTTP Server #SSL #Debian #NGINX

Homepage screenshot

Website - wilamowski.net

Personal Webpage & Blog

“Enhanced classic website stack designed for more efficient page building. I use this platform to showcase my projects, having developed a standardized workflow with Eleventy (11ty) for fast project deployment. Each project includes a frontmatter, README in Markdown, and documentation in Markdown. (...)”
- Arek
“Enhanced classic website stack designed for more efficient page building. I use this platform to showcase my projects, having developed a standardized work (...)”
- Arek

• Web Development • System Administration

#Debian #NGINX #GitHook #Webstack #Eleventy #Bulma

Looking for more? Explore additional projects in my Lab