Software Engineering
UML Relationships with PlantUml
Explore basic examples
UML - hierarchy of relationships
Dependence - general relationship
Every relationship is a dependency.
The source element depends on the target element and may be affected by changes to it
UML syntax source to target
- - - >
title Dependence
class Order
class Account
Order ..> Account
Code example
class Order {
class Account {
The description of a set of links between objects
UML syntax source to target
or ---
@startuml plantuml
title Association
class Order
class Account
Order --> Account
Code example
class Order {
void checkAccount(Account account); //not necessarily as parameter
class Account {
The Order class uses the Account class. Order needs access to account.
Therefore, changes made in Account can lead to errors in the Order class.
If the Order class knows nothing about the Account class, then changes in the Account class don't matter to it.
The target element is a part of the source element
UML syntax source to target
(empty diamond)
title Aggregation
class Order
class Account
Order O-- Account
Code example
class Order {
List<Account> accounts;
void checkAccounts();
class Account {
public String accountName();
The Order class contains objects of the Account class, and the Account class can exist independently.
A strong (more constrained) form of aggregation
UML syntax source to target
(filled diamond)
title Composition
class Order
class Account
Order *-- Account
Code example
class Order {
List<Account> accounts;
createAccount(Strig name);
class Account {
The Order class contains objects of the Account class, and the Account class can NOT exist independently because it relies on being part of the Order class.
Realization (implementation)
The source element guarantees to carry out the contract specified by the target element
UML syntax source to target
- - - |>
Dotted Line with Diamond Arrowhead
title Realization
class Writable
class CsvWritable
CsvWritable --|> Writable
Code example
class Writable implements CsvWritable {}
The CsvWritable class implements the Writable interface.
Generalization (inheritance)
The source element is a specialization of the more general target element and may be substituted for it
UML syntax source to target
arrow with full diamond
title Generalization
class Child
class Parent
Child --|> Parent
Code example
class Child extends Parent {}
The Child class inherits from the Parent class.
Dependency stereotype
The most common dependency stereotype is «use», which simply states that the client makes use of the supplier in some way. If you see just a dashed dependency arrow with no stereotype, then you can be pretty sure that «use» is intended.
title use stereotype
class Client {
class Supplier
Client ..> Supplier :<<use>>
- UML 2 and the Unified Process Jim Arlow
- Core Java Volume 1 - Fundamentals (11th Edition)