Docker Cheat Sheet
Running and maintance your first Docker container (Centos, Postgres)
Docker Cheat Sheet
This Docker cheat sheet provides a quick reference for various Docker commands and configurations to streamline your containerization workflow.
Legend: var nameVariable = container name;
Install Docker on CentOS: https://technixleo.com/install-docker-ce-on-centos-almalinux/
Mounting Images
Setting up PostgreSQL with Docker: https://www.baeldung.com/ops/postgresql-docker-setup
Running Containers:
docker run -ti -d --net bridge5 --name pgadmin -p 5432:80 -e "PGADMIN..." -e "PGADMIN..." -d dpage/pgadmin4
-p 81:80
Maps container port 80 to Docker host port 81; access the service at dockerhost:81.
Terminak interactive. Allocate a pseudo-TTY, keeping STDIN open even if not attached.
Run in detached mode, in the background.
--net network_interface_name
: Use a specific network interface.
: Assign a name to the container.
Set environment variables.
Detached mode means that the container will run in the background without being attached to any input or output stream.
Administering Containers
Displaying Images/Containers, Status
Show all downloaded images: docker images
Show running: docker container ls
All (including stopped): docker container ls -a
Note: docker ps -a
is an older, unstructured version of the command.
Start a container: docker start nameVariable
Stop a container: docker stop nameVariable
Connecting to container Shell
docker exec -it nameVariable /bin/bash
docker rm nameVariable
Remove all containers: docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Verify Container Properties with Inspect
Check IP & Socket
Using grep:
docker inspect nameVariable | grep '"IPAddress"' | head -n
Or using a more elegant way:
docker inspect -f "(( .NetworkSettings.IPAddress ))" nameVariable
Check logs:
docker inspect --format='((.LogPath))' nameVariable
Check used image details:
docker inspect --format='((.Config.Image))' nameVariable
Reference: Docker [Run Command Documentation (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/)]
Daemon Debug
sudo dockerd --debug
: Run the daemon with debug output (default location of the configuration file on Linux is /etc/docker/daemon.json)
Centos Network Commands
CentOS network commands:
Configure network on the host
ip a
Show IP
docker network ls
Manage networks
docker network inspect <networkname>
Display detailed information on one or more networks
docker attach pgadmin
Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container.